There are multiple roles of even a traditional psychiatrist in chronic pain management. In a combination of the medical model and the psychiatric model the psychiatrist looks at the possibility of both medical and psychiatric diagnosis, not only from the point in time at which someone is seen, but also based on the historical perspective of the individual including their underlying personality. Studying the expected response to chronic pain in a previously well-adjusted individual, and then using these responses as a benchmark against which other responses can be measured is a goal. Accurate diagnosis and treatment of possible underlying depression, anxiety, or even family dysfunction is more likely to occur. Appropriate interventions when necessary have repeatedly shown improved levels of functioning and depression, better family relationships, and improvement in sleep and pain levels.
Psychological-physical and energy medicine techniques have been shown to be very useful to alleviate chronic pain when indicated, particularly when someone has had ongoing treatment under the care of a pain management physician.
Dr. Weinstein is well qualified in this role as a Credentialed Diplomate in the American Academy of Pain Management
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